Residential Cleaning in London
We will provide you the right combination of quality service and a reasonable price as well as professional and reliable staff. We perform extensive background checks on all our staff to ensure your peace of mind. You can depend on our responsiveness and accountability.
Whether you need recurring service, a deep cleaning, move-in, move-out service, with The Happy House Cleaning Company, your home will be cleaned to your highest expectations. Below is a list of services we can provide but are not limited to:
- Tile, walls, bathtubs and showers cleaned and disinfected
- Tile grout scrubbed
- Shower doors cleaned and disinfected
- Vanity and sink cleaned and disinfected
- Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
- Floors hand washed and disinfected/carpets vacuumed
- Toilets cleaned and disinfected
- Cobwebs removed
- General dusting
- Counter tops cleaned
- Outside of range hood cleaned
- Top and front of appliances cleaned
- Sinks cleaned, disinfected and chrome polished
- Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
- Floors vacuumed and hand washed
- Cobwebs removed
- Microwave disinfected, and wiped out
- Drip pans on stove wiped out
- General dusting
- Flat areas damp cloth dusted
- Stairs vacuumed
- All readily accessible floors vacuumed
- Wood floors swept and hand wiped
- Cobwebs removed
- Picture frames dusted
- Window sills and ledges dusted
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Lampshades dusted
- General dusting
- Tile, walls, bathtubs and showers cleaned and disinfected
- Tile grout scrubbed
- Shower doors cleaned and disinfected
- Vanity and sink cleaned and disinfected
- Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
- Floors hand washed and disinfected/carpets vacuumed
- Toilets cleaned and disinfected
- Cobwebs removed
- General dusting
- Counter tops cleaned
- Outside of range hood cleaned
- Top and front of appliances cleaned
- Sinks cleaned, disinfected and chrome polished
- Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
- Floors vacuumed and hand washed
- Cobwebs removed
- Microwave disinfected, and wiped out
- Drip pans on stove wiped out
- General dusting
- Flat areas damp cloth dusted
- Stairs vacuumed
- All readily accessible floors vacuumed
- Wood floors swept and hand wiped
- Cobwebs removed
- Picture frames dusted
- Window sills and ledges dusted
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Lampshades dusted
- General dusting
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How to Clean Your Washing Machine in 4 Easy Steps
Have you ever noticed a foul, musty smell coming from your clothes or washing machine, especially when loading or transferring laundry? If the answer is yes, then your washing machine needs some cleaning. Even though it cleans your clothes and linens, your washing machine also needs attention and care to keep functioning at its best. Today, our domestic cleaning specialists [...]